Wind River Cellars

Wind River Cellars

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Have you ever had so much to do that you sit down to organize what you have to do and before you know it you've done nothing and then you have even more to do? That's the kind of week I've had.

This week's highlights include dinner with Rick and Jody, the nice family from North Carolina, giving a brief dog and pony show at the Columbia Gorge visitor's association meeting and a visit from my old friend Julie and her husband Eric.

Rick and Jody manage Celilo Vineyard which grows our Chardonnay, Lemberger, Pinot Noir, Gewurztraminer, and Pinot Gris. Rick is one of the most respected growers in the biz and his wife Jody BBQs the best steak I have ever had. Luke (from Cor Cellars) also joined us. There's something about hanging out with Rick and Jody that makes me very, very thirsty the next morning. This morning was no exception. Jody must have put extra seasoning on my steak. I'm sure it wasn't the seven bottles of wine we consumed.

The Columbia Gorge Visitors Assoc. is yet another worthy organization that Kris is involved with. It seems that the organizations that I get involved with usually meet in bars or taverns and never accomplish a thing. The CGVA is made up of Resort managers, Chamber of Commerce personnel and business owners who depend on tourism. check out their website. Once again I'm blown away by how much there is to do here!

Get your foursome together for the Wind River Cellars Golf Scramble. I have a strange superstition where I pour Wind River Cellars Merlot on my balls. I've found this to improve my game for some reason. Titlist, Dunlop and all of the other golf ball manufacturers should consider selling golf balls with Merlot already rubbed on them.

Stay classy, Husum!



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