Wind River Cellars

Wind River Cellars

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Below is the picture of the elk I was telling you about. Again, if you hear someone talking about going up to "Elk Camp" for a week to go hunting, they're really just going up to Brokeback Mountain to be with their special friend. These animals are everywhere and not very hard to hunt.

I just returned from a great trip to Seattle. If you've ever read one of my blogs after I've returned from a tasting/bottle signing, you may have noticed that I've always been careful not to call it the best one ever. Oh sure, there's been some good ones but my favorite is still the Saturday in December that I spend in Des Moines, Washington at Corky Cellars. Ric and Diane, the owners, not only know what the Hell they're doing, they know how to have a good time doing it. I can think of several snooty, cork sniffing, glass swirling, apron wearing, name dropping, D!@#%heads that could dramatically improve their shops if they would just tone it down a bit and be more like Corky Cellars.

Twelve throbbing inches of thanks go to Hooba for watching the tasting room while I was gone. Kris, Hollywood, and Poison Rose went to Vancouver for a family holiday function where I met them Saturday evening. It's not even Xmas and I've already received two really cool gifts. One, a 2000 Grahams vintage port from my Ma-in-law, and the other, a six pak of beer from Morgan, Christina and Peyton, current barrel members. It could actually be said that Morgan, Christina and Peyton gave me six gifts. Does that mean they like me six times more than my wife's mom?

You keep me guessing, Husum!



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